
Childrens Fund
Polcie Information Network Law Enforcement Benefit Fund
Hero Fund
FireFighters Fund
Top Flight Children’s Fund MD. & DC
All American Center Legal Defense Fund
Survivors Of Shootings Fund Donation Link
All American Center Educational Career Funding

All American Center Inc.

All American Center is a recognized Non-Profit 501(c)(3) corporation since 1989.

FEIN# 54-1504789

Mission Statement

All American Center is dedicated to helping people help themselves and we have been very successful over the years by working with other non-profits, receiving support from other non-profits, the community, corporations, and other resources.

Our primary goal is the Children’s Fund which was started in 1989 with a single goal – to help underprivileged and disadvantaged children. There are thousands of other amazing causes as well, that we support, but our main goal is The Children’s Fund.

Recognizing our supporters as Heroes for their continued and generous support has made our organization what it is over the years. Our success comes from corporations, other non-profits, the community and individuals like you.

It’s so exciting you contacted us! Let’s see how much more we can do working together!

Non-Profit Certification By Candid

Candid 2023 Platinum 501(c)(3) IRS Transparency Certification


Click Children’s Fund Link Below:

Childrens Fund



Link To Children’s Fund Christmas Event Video Done Yearly for over 20 years.

Children’s Christmas Video of over 160 Children


Click here to View “Can You See The Children 6 1/2min Poem put to music with over 250,000 views and downloads since it’s launch in 2006 which is being read and shown at all kinds of events!

See here now on YouTube released in 2023

If you wish to become a sponsor, start a fundraiser of your own or support a fundraiser please, contact us by using our email at:

Or Make Your Children’s Fund Donation Directly, By Clicking Children’s DONATION Link below

Children’s DONATION Link


Children’s MEDICAL Fund

Medical Fund:

Doctors & dentists project to fund approx. 625 children’s cleanings, tooth extractions, root canal (ages 4-16) in the Washington Metropolitan area. Physicians are willing to donate their time, but still have expenses that need to be covered.

Fund covers Transportation, Doctors Visits, Dentist and Pharmacy expenses. Average cost per child average $96-$100.

Numbers: Approx. 625 children (ages 4 to 16) Locations and Demographics:  D.C., Maryland, Virginia

Demographics 98% African American and 2% Other, estimate cost of program $62,500, less than $100 per child.

Will need to do specific funding campaigns for this program or looking for Grant, Supporters or Partners that can assist with these specific needs.

Will list and give credit on this location and site to any grant or supporter that helps sponsor this cause, or you can

Make Your Children’s Medical Fund Donation, By Clicking Children’s DONATION Link below and reference Medical Fund.

Children’s MEDICAL Fund DONATION Link


Police Information Network & Law Enforcement Training 501 (c)(3)Benefit Fund

The Police Information Network Law Enforcement Benefit Fund!

The Police Information Network Law Enforcement Benefit Fund

Washington, D.C.


The mission of the Police Information Network (PIN) is to provide a forum to promote and facilitate the sharing of information among a cohesive network of law enforcement and military, regardless of department affiliation and jurisdictional boundaries, to aid individual efforts and to foster cooperative efforts, in modern sensitivity training along with updated training and equipment for the fight against crime, organized crime and terrorism. We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment where ideas can be freely exchanged.

Made Possible by our
Law Enforcement Members , Elite Sponsors and All American Center
Since July 1989







Special Note:

The Hero Fund is not part of any yearly budget and is only funded with specific funding grants or supporters funds.

Current Need for Expenses & Loss After Crisis


Hero Fund


American Hero Fund & The Need



Good Samaritan

Our Hero Story Starts Here!

A Good Samaritan!

Our Hero came to the aid of a woman-owned business when others would not. There were a total of (4) Americans being held hostage and against their will in Iraq

The 3 American’s on her negotiation Team in Iraq were being held against their will in Iraq after attending some negotiations. After being made aware of the situation, acting as a Good Samaritan our Hero did what he could to assist, but at what cost. For this effort and good will our Hero and some of the team members almost lost everything. This fund is for them and our Hero

There were over $2,000,000 of legal fees and medical expenses that had to be paid to get everyone home.

Hero/ Good Samaritan


Short Version:

Our Hero was advised that there were (4) four Americans being held against their will in Iraq while working for a woman owned business. The owner was among the 4 on the team.


Americans being held against their will in Iraq.

It seems while over in Iraq negotiating some business dealings and government contracts she and her team were being held against their will after attending some negotiations. It is important to note: our Hero knew nothing abought any of these negotiations or contracts. During the time of these negotiations the current threat level had gone up in Iraq while the woman and her negotiations team were there and they were detained against their will.

To our Hero’s shock and amazement he was asked if he could assist in anyway in this situation, to help get them released and brought back home, by the administrative assistant of this woman owned business. The assistant stated the team was together now, but wanted and needed assistance before the team was separated and moved into the freezing mountains. She had been in contact with her employer, that they were abought to be moved and broken up. something needed to be done fast.

Our Hero without hesitation immediately advised the office manager to get in contact with the FBI and the US Embassy.

After many long days and sleepless nights, working on the situation, sometime on December 24 our Hero was contacted by one of the family members of the Americans being held hostage, that just happened to be a wounded American helicopter pilot. He had been told that the wounded pilot needed these medical bills paid before he could be released, that was quite large. Some how the owner of the company negotiated the payment at great loss to the team and our Hero.

Our Hero was informed by the family that due to our Hero’s assistance, quick response to the situation and concerns the pilot, had been released and was back home with his family and had just landed in Florida December 24th.

The wounded pilot was back home safely in America with his family just before Christmas. Remember our Hero has never seen or meet this pilot or his family.

What a Christmas Miracle

Our Hero was thanked for his assistance during these troubling times by the pilot’s family and they said over and over they could not have made it without the hope and encouragement our Hero gave them.

A small act of kindness is all that is needed to create hope.

The amazing thing about all of this is our Hero did not know any of these people, yet he went out of his way to assist these American’s at great expense to himself, business and his family during this time of crisis that lasted for days.

He had never worked with any of these people nor had any connection with them at any time before this incident or after.

Our Hero was told of their situation and did what he could to assist them, just because it was the right thing to do.

Will you help us do the right thing now.

Without any pay, award, or special recognition, reimbursement of any funds for expenses our hero did what he could, all while he was very ill, with undiagnosed Leukemia and was slowly dying without treatment. Our hero put all his recorces together to assist in this time of crisis.

For those that know him this is simply the way our Hero does thing’s, in the background for the benefit of all America, sacrificing himself for the benefit of others, leaving no man behind.

Update: all 3 Americans did get back to America by Christmas


Sometime later the woman owner of the company was released and back in America as well.

Right After this our Hero was rushed into the hospital days later, for weeks, lost his businesses and was and is still fighting the never ending war with cancer.

Donating to this cause will help pay medical and legal bills that was a direct result of his assistance in this time of crisis.

Click link below to help honor our hero and help during this time of crisis in his life and show him,

America Stands Strong and Supports our Heros.

All funds collected and distributed will go directly to pay off expenses, legal fees and losses!


All American Center would like to thank you for your support. Please help us get this brave American and his family back on their his feet, for doing the right thing.

Leave No Man Behind!

Help Us Not Leave Our Hero Behind.

Hero Fund




Survivor Emergency Fund 


Survivors Of Shootings

About the Charity

Founded more than a decade ago, All American Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to helping families and people help themselves during crises.

Starting in 2021 the Survivors Fund was created in an effort to do just that.

One of its volunteers and members experienced a crisis that culminated in the creation of the Survivors Fund after being shot run and left for dead.

This campaign was created to help educate people on how to deal with the crisis of survival without guilt and deal with being involved in a shooting and the problems of surviving, when others did not.

Known as the Survival Syndrome.

Survivor syndrome, also known as survivor’s guilt, is the response of a person when they believe they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt.

What are the characteristics of survivor syndrome?

Typical signs of survivor’s remorse are similar to those of PTSD.

Here are the symptoms of people who suffer from PTSD:

A sense of guilt for being alive when others weren’t. A never-ending cycle of rethinking one’s actions during the incident. Irritability and emotional volatility. Shut Down, Depression, Mood swings.

When Love is Not Enough became a call for everyone going through this type of crisis by one of All American Centers own members, we fell the pain and understand the need..

Helping our valiant Survivors in times of trouble and crisis is simply not possible without your kind and generous donations to help them pay their everyday expenses, medical bills due to not being able to work. They are having problems of just being able to learn how to walk again and just get up in the morning.

Your contributions help provide:

Basic living expenses




Car Insurance

Car payment

Monthly Mortgage or rent.

•Health insurance

•Durable medical equipment

•Other needed financial assistance

All bills are paid directly to the billing companies while funds are provided to give a helping hand during this time of crisis.

This is not a funding source for the rest of their life, but to be considered a helping hand while dealing with this crisis at hand for a month or so to assist getting them get back on their feet that should not exceed more than 4 months, unless a donor or sporing group or source has provided specific funds to our survivor to have assistance extended past the 3rd month period, because it is needed.

Tax ID# 54-1504789



Supporting this program helps sponsor our continued education training of Survivors for the general public, Law enforcement, 1st responders with crisis management, ethnic diversity and all other aeras of stress by working with our team and now with another non-profit partner. is a new website resource offered by All American Center for the Emergency Service Organization (ESO) community.

Help Survivors, survive after the traumatic situation in their life,  let them know their life still means something and always will.

Give back to them as they have given back over the years helping others.

So help us help them to get their bills paid directly by the funds raised today and everyday there after until they gets back on their feet.

Welcome to the Survivor Supporter Team today!

To receive your tax-deductible receipt and your Good Samaritan certificate today just make any donation you can afford.

Working Together We Make Great Things Happen.

Funds raised may be used without any reservation or hesitation once the benefactor or any organization has been approved to receive funds in line with funds direction. All assignment of funds is at the discretion of All American Center Inc. and not to be questionable


Donation Link to Survivors Fund




All American Center Legal Defense Fund

Legal Defense Fund

Funds are to be used for any and all legal expenses, cost or otherwise that required any attorney fees or expenses paid or owed.

Payments can be made for all past and present expenses, and are not limited to bills, travel or anything needed as long as the Center or fundraiser has designated the funds to be used for legal expense.

A legal defense fund allows third parties to donate monies, with an option for anonymity, to pay for such legal costs. Many American public figures have employed legal defense funds, including Bill Clinton and Sarah Palin.

Funds raised may be used without any reservation or hesitation once the benefactor or any organization has been approved to receive funds in line with funds direction. All assignment of funds is at the discretion of All American Center Inc. and not to be questionable



FireFighters Fund


Firefighter’s Heroes Fund

About the Charity

Founded more than a decade ago, All American Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to helping families and people help themselves during crises.

Starting in 2021 the Firefighter’s Heroes Fund was created in an effort to do just that. One of its volunteers and members experienced a crisis that culminated in the creation of the Firefighter’s Heroes Fund. This campaign was created to help educate people on how to deal with the crisis of suicide. We would like you to hear her story.

When Love is Not Enough became a call for everyone going through this type of crises by one of its own members. Listen and hear Jesi Arter’s story; please donate to the cause and help others.

Jesi Arter’s story:

From the start, Jesi Arter knew she was meant to be with the man who became her husband and father of her child. Their connection was immediate and intense. Their married life in a small Pennsylvania town was very happy.

But five months after Jesi became a mother, she became a widow when her husband committed suicide. Since then, she has forged a new path as a single mom, head of household and advocate for women who lose their partners to suicide.

The fund assists Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s of firefighters injured or killed in the line of duty or facing other crisis.

Firefighters dedicate their lives to helping others. They rush into burning buildings, dangle from helicopters, jump into raging waters, climb into trenches, and race to the frontlines of disaster, all to protect the rest of us.

But when the unthinkable happens, where do firefighters turn for help? The Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund. Helping our valiant firefighters in times of trouble is simply not possible without your kind and generous donations.

Your contributions help provide:

•       Basic living expenses

•       Health insurance

•       Durable medical equipment

•       Memorial scholarships for the children of deceased firefighters

•       Other needed financial assistance

Tax ID# 54-1504789

Firefighter Fund ( 50% More first responders die of SUICIDE than from injuries in the line of duty and the family receive no befits!)

Hear Jesi Arter’s story, wife of a Firefighter that did just that!

Turn you sound up and Hit the play button if story does not start playing automatically

Link to Jesi Arter’s 30 min Podcast

Jesi Arter’s 30min PodCast on the SUICIDE of her Husband, a Firefighter!


Jesi Arter’s A Student From All American Center, Real Life Story!


Make your tax-deductible donation to the Firefighter’s Heroes Fund



Supporting this program helps sponsor our continued support and education training for Law enforcement and 1st responders with crisis management, ethnic diversity and all other aeras of stress by working with another non-profit partner. is a new website resource offered by All American Center for the Emergency Service Organization (ESO) community. This online tool was developed in celebration of the 50th anniversary of VFIS. It is a gift to a selfless group of people who give back so much: the emergency service community. The website offers a robust library of valuable resources for first responders, and top-level categories with commentary on what experts believe to be the biggest issues responders will face over the next 25 years. To evaluate and see these new resources, just click link below.






Donate to the Top Flight Sports & Education Fund for Children in MD & DC


Top Flight Campaign

Top Flight Children’s Fund

Covering Maryland & DC

Under the guidance and overview of All American Centers, Inc Specific funds are being raised outside of the general fund for Children for the Top Flight Sports and Education Campaign and will work within its own budget, volunteers and direction.

Funds are to be used for children, primarily located in Maryland and D.C. Such funds will support but not limited to the Top Flight direction of sports related education along with support, educational scholarships, employment placement, travel, emergency travel, clothing, medical, special events, shoes, basic needs or anything needed. All funds provided to Top Flight Children’s Fund will be in compliance to All American Center’s operational guidelines, staying true to the guidelines and wishes of the Grant provider or Supporters designated funds as much as possible.

Funds raised may be used without any reservation or hesitation once the benefactor or any organization by Top Flight Children’s Fund has been approved to receive funds in line with the funds direction. All assignment of funds raised or disbursed to Top Flight program is at the discretion of All American Center Inc. and is not to be questionable. Programs sponsored or funds raised for this program will be under the guidance of All American Center, Inc and their supporters and volunteers!.

Click link below to make your donation today!

Top Flight Children’s Fund MD, DC


All American Center Educational Career Funding

All American Center Career Educational Funding

Welcome To All American Center, Inc

All American Center Inc.

All American Center is a recognized Non-Profit 501(c)(3) corporation since 1989.

FEIN# 54-1504789

All American Center is dedicated to helping people help themselves and we have been very successful over the years by working with other non-profits and now we able to offering free educational grants to the underprivileged, disadvantaged, men, women, and children to get a head start in the career of their liking today with yours support.

By supporting and donating to this worthwhile cause, you will be helping thousands of men, women and children get an educational head start in life in the career of their choice. Leave no-one behind simply help others help themselves. By supporting this cause, you will become an education sponsor or a mentor today.

We provide these scholarships every chance we get to the underprivileged, disadvantaged, men, women, and children by signing them up in the career field they are interested in. They can start their first lesson just after sign up and approval process, we even support educating men, women and children that have been in the system. As all these classes are online learning and we just need to make sure they have access to a computer as most of the training and lesson plans require internet access to the classroom instruction and college lectures. After graduation they will receive their certificate from the college in the field of study they elected, which has been recognized by most universities and hiring forums such as Indeed.

Should they wish to continue their studies and go for a Masters Certification Courses or another field of their choice, we support them with our continued grant assistance to continue their field of studies.

Students learn at home at their own time and are able to find a job in the field they like. We at All American Center Educational Center love or job.

We provide courses in thousands of aeras, as an example Cyber Security, Web Page Design, Bookkeeping, Book Editor and even Master Certification courses. By helping us you are helping others get the education they need to get a head start for the first, hold their heads up high and become a taxpayer instead of a tax dependent.

Look on our web page and get your own certificate if you like or sponsor someone you know by giving them a gift of knowledge yourself by signing them up from our portal, we get a small donation from the college for everyone we are able to sign up to help continue our cause and educate others, so make sure to use our portal select the course of interest and have fun giving the gift of learning.

Click link below to help educate those less fortunate today.

All American Center Educational Career Funding




Thank You For Looking At Our Current Highlighted Campaigns And Remember Our Children’s Fund Is Always Ongoing!

To Be Recognized As A Hero Of Children and Receive Your Hero Certificate For Supporting the Children’s Fund!

Just Make Your Children’s Fund Donation

By Clicking Link Below


Link To Video Of Children’s Fund Christmas Event Done Yearly

For Over 20 years

Children’s Christmas Event over 150 Children










Copying or Plagiarism

Any use of content, such as but not limited to, copying or plagiarism of any content, wording, programs, direct or similar in kind, to All American Center Inc. or shall not be permitted without prior written approval.

This includes, but not limited to, any copying or modification of any statements, programs, symbols, links, logos, or similar in kind for comparison or not, taken from All American Center Inc., or any webpage or design for solicitations or advertising, now or in the future without the prior written approval for use. Any violation shall be open for legal remedies, fines and or prosecution or both to the full extent of the law.

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